
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

The Challenges Canadian Immigrants Face in Their Working Family and Health - Free Essay Example

When it comes to female immigrants, things are getting worse. According to many researches, the group of immigrants generally doesn’t perform well in the working market of Canada. There is more unemployment among immigrants than among the indigenous, which is especially true among the female immigrants. (Badets and Howatson 1999). According to George and Ramkissoon (1998), in 47 female immigrants from South Asia, most did not continue doing jobs of their experienced areas and were engaged into some other works of comparably low salary.?Martins Reid, 2007? Many female immigrants used to have good jobs and were elites in their own professions, but when they came to Canada, they were having huge difficulties in finding suitable jobs. The biggest contrast between their original roles and their current situation brings them huge pressures, both financially and psychologically. They tend to have a much lower income than male immigrants, let alone the natives, which forces them live economically, and often face the monetary problems. ?Man, 2011? What’s even worse is that they may often feel gloomy, question themselves, have low self-esteem, and doubt why they immigrate to Canada; some may even suffer from depression, which seriously affect their health.?Man, 2011?For example, Mei and her husband were software engineers in China. After they moved to Canada, Mei could not find suitable job and felt stressful.?Man,2011?â€Å"when we arrived here, my husband sought to look for a job in an active manner, and he found a software engineer position.† said Mei, â€Å"However, I am still learning English, because I am not sure of my language ability. Occasionally, I doubt the correctness of my decision of coming to Canada.† (Man, 2011, p.204) Problems are not limited in works, but also emerged in families. What is worth noticing is that the change in the wife’s economic situation can often break the original balance of the family between husband and wife, and bring damages to their marriage.(Man, 2011) Unable to find suitable jobs, many female immigrants can only stay at home, suffering lower self-esteem and feeling sad. At this time, what they most need is their spouses’ understanding and encouragement.?Man, 2011?However, their husbands, meanwhile, also are experiencing tremendous pressures from work, and often ignore their wives’ feelings. What’s worse, some husbands may think their wives not so competent as themselves and treat their partners condescendingly, which further endangers the relationship between husband and wife.?Man, 2011? When it comes to their husbands, they did no better than their partners. There is a tendency that employers are more willing to hire people with local working experience and Canadian educational backgrounds, which definitely pushed new comers to some unstable works that involve more physical labors and that need working longer without basic welfare and securities. (Man, 2011) This kind of jobs causes huge pressures on employees, who are the only source of income and need to take care their whole family to survive in the new country. (Martins Reid, 2007)When these husbands returned home, they normally passed their bad feelings to their wives and felt reasonable doing so, because they thought they supported the whole family, which is exactly the same as Luxton’s (2015) study on working class families: the husbands, the only breadwinners of family, claimed their dominance on their spouses, which always leads to the degradation of the relationship between husbands and wives. (Man ,2011)Both under tremendous pressures and experiencing failures from work, culture and society, husbands and wives tend to release their rage and attribute their failures to their partners, which posed a big threat to their marriage.(Man, 2011) The difficulties immigrants are facing extends far beyond jeopardizing the couple’s relationship; they also bring about a new problemwho and how to take care of their children? Some immigrant families have to choose to send their children back to their own countries to be taken care of by the grandparents. Tien shared her story of sending her daughter back to China. (Martins Reid, 2007) â€Å"After the birth of my daughter, we decided to send her back to be taken care of by her grandma in China, because we were not eligible for the subsidized child daycare.† (Man, 2011, p.207) She had to call her mother everyday to keep pace with her daughter’s growth and came back to China every year when she was on holiday. ( Man,2011) Apparently, immigrants have to pay much cost in the finance and the sentiment for this trans-continent kinship. By sending back their children to be taken care of by grandparents, immigrant mothers can work full time jobs and seek to more decent positions in labor market.( Man,2011) Apart from the predicament in the working place and conflicts and issues in the families, immigrants have to face another plight: their health are under threat and they have difficulty in accessing the health care resources. According to some literature, when new comers arrived in Canada, they were as healthy as natives, or even healthier than the Canadian born population. Compared to native-born Canadians, immigrants have a lower prevalence of chronic diseases, and lower rate of mortality and morbidity from all causes. (Zanchetta Poureslami, 2006)

Essay Topics During the First Semester

Essay Topics During the First SemesterAs a teacher, it is important that you explore possible essay topics during the first semester. This will help you gain confidence and set the scene for success.Your main goal is to show your ability to write concisely and clearly. This means that your paper should be built on some interesting concepts. This can be true for any essay topic, but it is especially the case for this one.The main idea in your paper is probably something that you have never written about before. For example, if you study religion, you might find yourself writing about the biblical stories of creation and Noah's Ark. You might also have a tendency to write about a Christian who tried to convert other people to Christianity. Here are some ideas for possible essay topics during the first semester.One thing that you will want to do as a teacher is to explore possible essay topics during the first semester. You might not always be able to research the best possible topics f or your students, but there are some resources available online that can make this possible. Some colleges offer websites that have a list of various topics for you to research.Of course, you will need to know how to get started with researching and writing a topic that is interesting to your students. You may not have much time during the semester, but this does not mean that you should not try to write something for them. You may find that these topics are not always difficult to research or write, and you may even find that some of them are familiar to your students.If you want to find a really interesting topic, you may want to start looking at the many religious sites on the Internet. There are many links to websites that talk about the basics of religion. You will find that there are many different religions that have basic beliefs that are related to the ones you study during your courses. You can easily get an idea of what you might write about during the first semester.When you look at the different topics, you will find that some of them are related to religion. Others are focused on the history of a particular religious movement. You can also find topics related to Christianity. Here are some other popular topics for the first semester:You can find many great ideas for possible essay topics for the first semester. It is important that you use your own experience and knowledge to guide you through your research. You can also find information online to help you plan your topic.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Literary Critique Essay

Literary Critique Essay Synopsis: Literary critique is necessary when an author is handing a manuscript for publication. The critique is used to design marketing strategy and determine the target readership for the piece of work. In literature, critique of a book is necessary to determine the historical background of the work. This analysis, gives an insight into what influences a writer to create a piece. Through criticism, the message of writer is passed to readers. Book critique presents a summarized version of the writers work and aim of writing. Book criticism, follows a certain critiquing instrument in order to achieve a masterpiece criticism. This paper aims to use the literary critique instrument to analyze an excerpt of The Prince by Machiavelli. The paper will use the instrument to give a clear analysis of Machiavelli piece of work. The story is written during the Italian Renaissance period. Machiavelli was born in 1469, attended school to University level. He is reputed as an acute analyzer of institutions and personalities. He served in government in various diplomatic posts and other political assignments. The story is written right after the government he serves is overthrown. Machiavelli is forced into internal exile and later thrown in prison. The republican government overthrow made Machiavelli a victim of change. While in prison, he endures torture and after being released he retires to his farm. At this juncture, Machiavelli turns to literary pursuits; The Prince, is his first piece of literature. The political upheavals of the time influenced his literary work a lot. In The Prince, he seems to pass a political message to the rulers of the time. As aforementioned, the writer steeps his literary piece in the turbulent political times. His writing is bluntly honest, although, it contradicts with some of his works. The piece of work is composed in a reflective state of mind. He takes a critical view of himself and the world around him. He writes this work as an effort to gain his stature and standing in government. Most of his contemporaries in the overthrown government were quickly reabsorbed back to service, which motivates him to write The Prince, with the hope of presenting it to the ruler of the time. He was not successful in his attempt. The writer uses a very authoritative voice in his work. His critical and cynical view, presents him as an angry man. His imprisonment was based on false accusations, which may act as the reason he is angry. Personal response: Reading The Prince, one is impressed by Machiavelli’s use o direct person. He writes with a lot of occurrence of â€Å"I†. This allows the reader to feel he is part of the conversation. Reading the book makes one feel he is talking with and not being talked to by the author. The book gives a peek into the powerful mind of an insightful politician. He exhibits a blunt sense of honesty in an astonishing manner. The style of writing, as earlier noted, is quite authoritative, mixed and blended with a conversational tone. One might be repulsed by his view on power. Quite clearly, he refutes the moralistic approach to power and argues that a person with power should command. He clearly does not believe in goodness with power. He holds the view; one should be feared instead of being loved. In a moral society one finds this view to be out of sync and maybe evil. In conclusion, the book seems to reflect Machiavelli’s political ideology. He gives an overview of how a ruler should use his legitimate power. The work can be viewed as a political satire, because one can get the feeling the views expressed do not reflect the writer’s true political opinion.